Already a member? Great! Visual Arts Nova Scotia works for artists; your membership supports our efforts and gives you access to member benefits.

Renew your membership online securely with your credit card or bank account via PayPal. Once you complete the purchase, a form page will appear allowing you to sign up for our online newsletters and receive your subscription to Visual Arts News.

You can also renew your membership by post: download and fill out the membership renewal form here, and send it with an enclosed cheque or money order made out to Visual Arts Nova Scotia, 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS, B3H 4P7.

For more information on your membership, click here or contact the Programming Coordinator at or by calling (toll-free) 1-866-225-8267 or 902-423-4694.

VANS Memberships are annually renewable and run from January 1 to December 31. We welcome membership renewals throughout the year, benefits will be retroactive depending on the date of payment. Between July 1 and September 30, VANS annual memberships are pro-rated to half of the annual fee expiring December 31 of the current year. From October 1st to December 31st, VANS annual memberships are paid in full and expire the following December 31st.